A lot of the preparation leading up to this IMG national championship tournament is mental for our players.  We obviously have a lot of training to do, but with an array of backgrounds, a busy schedule in June just complete by the players, and a lack of structure during the summer without school it is important to ensure the players have laser focus and intent of purpose when they arrive in Florida. 

One thing I have been reading a great deal about in my classes is the constancy of purpose.  Leaders need to have constancy of purpose so subordinates can follow effectively and for strategy to be executed accordingly.  Dealing with young athletes who are subjected to so many outside influences and emotions it is even more important to model appropriate behavior, but also talk about growth potential and what can really be accomplished by having a successful tournament. 

Although I was not present for the development of the character development session held by Geoff King and Michael Ledo, I did sit in on the actual session and the message was clear: Partake.  What does it mean to be invited to something? They want you to partake in the event not just show up.  The example given was if someone invites you to a party do they expect you to sit in the corner and not talk to anyone? No, they expect you to partake: to join in.  So for the trip to Florida we received an invitiation to compete for a national championship.  Do not go down there looking to spend time on the beach and enjoy the weather, accept the invitiation and partake in the tournament by being successful.  It was clear by the reaction of the players that the message was received.  A brief discussion on outside influences and recap of the journey that brought us to June 20th, that day, was also mentioned and players provided their own perspective on what growth has occurred throughout the summer both individually, but more importantly as a whole and how their individual participation has played a role in that.

During the character development session, the local news media was there and Michael Ledo and a select few players did interviews on live television to promote the company and our journey to the event.  We then loaded the bus and began our journey to Florida. 

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